srsRAN gNB(-DU) Load Testing


In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of load testing the srsRAN Project gNB(-DU) application without the need for specific hardware, via parameters available within the configuration file.

The ru_dummy option in the gNB configuration allows users to emulate the RU and focus exclusively on testing the DU, by excluding the OFH layers. The RU Emulator (ru_emu) can be used to simulate traffic sent and received by an O-RU in a split 7.2 configuration, while also allowing you to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).

For scenarios without a core network, the no_core flag in the gNB configuration allows the gNB(-DU) to operate without a physical core network.

The testmode feature in the gNB application was developed to evaluate the performance of the srsRAN gNB(-DU) on specific hardware. This function emulates single or multiple UEs, simulating traffic across layers such as MAC, PHY, and OFH. By replicating traffic from the CU and RU to the DU, testmode provides an effective way to assess and optimize system performance. Integrated directly into the gNB application, testmode requires no additional builds beyond the gNB.

Detailed explanations of these scenarios are provided in the following sections. For detailed information on specific configuration parameters and usage of these modes, refer to the srsRAN Project Configuration Reference.

Using ru_dummy

In case you want to do a load test without a physical or emulated RU you can use the ru_dummy config option in the gNB config. This will exclude the OFH layer from the test because no data is sent over the network. To use the ru_dummy parameter add the following section to your gNB config file:

  dl_processing_delay: 1
  time_scaling: 1

Using ru_emu

The RU Emulator is an extra tool that needs to be built separately from the gNB application. To build the RU Emulator use the following commands from inside the srsRAN Project repository:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cd apps/examples/ofh
make -j $(nproc)

In case you want to run the RU Emulator using DPDK use the following cmake command instead:

cmake -ENABLE_DPDK=ON ..


Building with DPDK is not a requirement for using ru_emu

Create a new configuration file called emu.yaml with the following content:

  filename: /tmp/ru_emu.log
  level: warning

    - bandwidth: 100                          # Bandwidth of the cell
      network_interface: ens2f1               # Use BDF instead of interface name for DPDK
      ru_mac_addr: 00:33:22:33:00:11          # MAC address of the RU
      du_mac_addr: 00:33:22:33:00:66          # MAC address of the DU
      enable_promiscuous: false               # Promiscuous mode flag
      vlan_tag: 33                            # VLAN tag
      dl_port_id: [0, 1, 2, 3]                # Port IDs for downlink
      ul_port_id: [0, 1, 2, 3]                # Port IDs for uplink
      prach_port_id: [4, 5]                   # Port IDs for PRACH
      compr_method_ul: "bfp"                  # Compression method for uplink
      compr_bitwidth_ul: 9                    # Compression bitwidth for uplink
      t2a_max_cp_dl: 470                      # T2a maximum value for downlink Control-Plane
      t2a_min_cp_dl: 350                      # T2a minimum value for downlink Control-Plane
      t2a_max_cp_ul: 200                      # T2a maximum value for uplink Control-Plane
      t2a_min_cp_ul: 90                       # T2a minimum value for uplink Control-Plane
      t2a_max_up: 345                         # T2a maximum value for User-Plane
      t2a_min_up: 70                          # T2a minimum value for User-Plane

# dpdk:
#   eal_args: "--lcores (0-1)@(0-15)"

Adjust the above parameters to match your configuration. If you want to use DPDK, provide the Bus Device Function (BDF) of the NIC in the network_interface field. The BDF can be found using the -s command. Also, uncomment the dpdk section and provide the correct eal_args arguments.

Use the following command to start the RU Emulator:

sudo ./ru_emulator -c emu.yaml

You should see the following output:

Running. Waiting for incoming packets...
| 15:26:48 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:49 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:50 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:51 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:52 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:53 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:54 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:55 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:56 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:57 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:58 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:26:59 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:27:00 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |
| 15:27:01 |  0  |      0      |      0      |      0      |      0      |     0/0/0/0     |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0/0/0/0     |       0        |       0        |       0        |        0        |       0/0       |      0      |      0      |      0      |

The above KPIs are indicating the KPIs of the RU Emulator. The RU Emulator is now running and waiting for incoming packets. Once an RU is connected you should see the *_ON_TIME_* counters increase. The RU is operating properly if you do not see any late, early or err packets.

Using no_core

In case you want to emulate the core network in cases where no 5G core is available, you can use the no_core flag in the gNB config. To use the no_core flag add the following section to your gNB config:

    no_core: false

Using testmode

Once an RU and a core network are in place you can start using testmode. A sample configuration file can also be found in srsRAN_Project/configs within the srsRAN Project source files:

    rnti: 0x44
    ri: 1 # Set to 2 or 4 for 2 layer or 4 layer MIMO operation
    cqi: 15
    nof_ues: 1
    pusch_active: true
    pdsch_active: true

This config will emulate a single UE with RNTI = 0x44, CQI is set to 15 and RI to 1.

Configuration files can be concatenated when running the gNB(-DU), which means users can easily test various configurations without having to modify their base configuration. For this example, the configuration above will be concatenated with the example configuration gnb_ru_ran550_tdd_n78_100mhz_4x2.yml which can be found in srsRAN_Project/configs. This will allow the RU to be tested without a physical UE being connected. This ability extends to other frontends such as USRPs, and also ZMQ.

To run the described scenario, the following command can be used:

sudo ./apps/gnb/gnb -c gnb_ru_ran550_tdd_n78_100mhz_4x2.yml -c testmode.yml

You should then see the following output:

--== srsRAN gNB (commit f41c1db4c3) ==--

Warning: With the given prach_frequency_start=0, the PRACH opportunities overlap with the PUCCH resources/guardband in prbs=[0, 8). Some interference between PUCCH and PRACH interference should be expected
Cell pci=1, bw=100 MHz, 4T2R, dl_arfcn=637212 (n78), dl_freq=3558.18 MHz, dl_ssb_arfcn=634464, ul_freq=3558.18 MHz

Initializing the Open Fronthaul Interface for sector#0: ul_compr=[BFP,9], dl_compr=[BFP,9], prach_compr=[BFP,9], prach_cp_enabled=false, downlink_broadcast=false
==== gNB started ===
Type <h> to view help

pci rnti | cqi  ri  mcs  brate   ok  nok  (%)  dl_bs | pusch  rsrp  mcs  brate   ok  nok  (%)    bsr     ta  phr
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1539    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1546    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1541    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1547    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  399    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1543    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    76M  401    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1542    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1549    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1542    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1546    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  399    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1546    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    75M  400    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a
  1 0x44 |  15 1.0   28   1.0G 1548    0   0%    10M |  99.9 -99.9   28    76M  401    0   0%  81.5M      0  n/a

For more information about the test mode please refer to the srsRAN Project Configuration Reference.